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Crowdfunding for Musicians and Artists

Crowdfunding is  the practice of funding a project by raising small or large amounts from a number or people. It’s  a great way to raise funds for you as an independent musician who’s working on a music project as it would still give you creative control over your music. This at the same time, building deeper connections with fans. There are a lot of crowdfunding platforms out there...

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How Artists Can get Angel Investors

Also known as seed investor, angel and private investor, an angel investor is typically a high net worth individual who  provides financial backing to musicians. Although unlike a Venture Capitalist, he is not solely motivated by profit but by the musician’s drive to succeed, persistence  and by the thought of helping him succeed...

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Preparing for a Music Loan

Doing music means having to spend money first to get your music out there, and by money, it means a lot. Success does not come in a snap that’s why you need to have a day job (see the article on the best day jobs for musicians here). But what if having a day job and even your savings are both not enough? Are you going to wait until forever to have the needed funds to start working on music?

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Best Day Job for Music Artists

As much as you want as a musician, to have music to be your full-time career, you still have bills to pay, and starting it doesn’t mean getting big automatically. Besides, you need funds for new instruments, the recording studio, your website, and the list just goes on. Summing up your bills plus all the other expenses that you may need when starting means you need all the jobs that you can get...

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How to Create a Solid Fan Base

Whether you are an actor or somebody who has a business, you need people who will support what you’re doing and who can’t wait to see what you’re going to showcase next. You need people to tell the rest of the world about your existence. In other words, you need fans. The same applies to musicians. You need your fans to be streaming your music...

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