Getting Started - Music Career RSS

Staying Focused on One Genre

Choosing a career in music involves a lot of sacrifices that without that burning passion in music, you as a musician would rather take a different path. But you didn’t wake up one day to realize that after all that’s the career that you want, did you?  For most people, the love for doing music usually kicks in early. It starts with liking a particular genre...

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How to Market Your Music Independently

As an independent musician who is still starting a career in music, one of your many questions might be “ How can my music reach more people?” Your music is important and so is creating strategies to make it more marketable.Now let’s take a look at some of the best strategies on how to market your music as an independent artist...

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How to Create an Artist Bio

Although coming up with a catchy bio is  not as equally important as creating great music, it plays a great role in letting people know your story. What’s the story behind your album? Why should they choose you  among thousands out there? In other words, why would they spend money on you? We get it, you’re not a writer and creating your bio is not that easy either. It’s like...

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How to Choose a Stage Name

You’re at the stage when you have finally found the right people to join your group. You’ve already started making music and practicing and just when you’re ready to introduce yourselves to the world, you realize that you haven’t even come up with the name yet. How do you look for a solid name that your future fans can remember? Where will you get the name that will be associated with 

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Making it in the Music Business - An Inside Look.

Nobody ‘makes it’ in the music industry unless the music is really paying the bills and taking care of other expenses.  Once you understand that you’ll be doing more than just making music and performing songs, you’ll grow as a business person and evolve into what you believe in. Think long term when it comes down to making smart moves and business decisions.

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